The Retirement Rebel—How to get your life to work when you don’t have to
Have you ever wondered why you feel restless or bored when you finally have exactly what you want?
U.S. News & World Report tells us that the typical retiree today spends 4 hours a day watching television. What’s that about?
Retiring baby boomers are the luckiest in history—healthier, wealthier, and with more opportunities for an exciting life than their ancestors could even imagine.
They can live anywhere they want, travel anywhere they like, work part-time or do charity work, go to workshops, or start an online business. The list is endless.
But 4 hours a day spent on TV? That’s not even counting the rest of the time spent on Internet and other technology. Many report feeling, stuck, blue, disappointed, and wondering why the heck they are so bored relaxing in the Costa Rica sun sipping Margaritas.
Could it be we are simply overwhelmed by too much choice and technology? Our lives have become like the Starbucks Syndrome—too many items on the menu and no strategy for making decisions.
In many ways the retirement blues is a modern first world problem! A lot of the causes are recent—your grandparents didn’t suffer from them—but can be solved with old-fashioned solutions, updated for today’s world.
Margaret Nash, life-coach and veteran retiree, identifies four psychological rogue waves (surprisingly large waves that come out of nowhere and take you unawares) that can cast you adrift and leave you stuck in the doldrums.
The good news is that you can ride these waves easily; you don’t have to spend a fortune on coaches or gurus or psychologists to get your life sailing smooth again.
The life-coaching exercises and techniques found here can be tried at home and carry no health warnings. They are just like the sound, old-fashioned advice your granny would give, with a modern twist.
So this is not a book about pensions, or savings, or insurance, or health plans. Nor will it give advice on whether to sign up for that retirement village. It’s not even about the pros and cons of Costa Rica and Mexico. It’s about how to get your emotional boat sailing again.